Log a Support Call
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Please ensure that you have tried to find the answer to your query in this Power-Gx Help system before logging a support call.  Your query may be listed in the Frequently Asked Questions chapter.  If you are unsure how to use the Help, please refer to Using this Help System.  If the answer to your call can be found in Power-Gx Help, we will direct you to the relevant topic. Any suggestions for improving Power-Gx Help so that you can find the answers you are looking for are welcomed.  Please email them to support@calidore.com

If you are sure that the answer to your query cannot be found in this Help system or you have a problem that requires one of our support engineers to fix, you will need to log a support call.  Support calls can be logged by telephone, fax or email using the contact details below:

Tel:                 +44 (0)191 4879558
Fax:                +44 (0)191 4913861
Email:             support@calidore.com 

Support Call Logging Procedures:
1.   Contact Calidore and provide us with your company name, your name and a brief outline of your query or problem.  Please provide details of the program you are in and any order numbers, stock codes, account codes, batch numbers, transaction values etc that your problem refers to, to help us deal with your call more efficiently.     
2.   Your call will be entered into our Support Log and you will be given a call reference number.  Click here to view an example of a support call. 
3.   Your call will be prioritised and assigned to a member of the support team. Priority is always given to computer failures and incidents that are affecting the users business.
4.   The member of support assigned to your call may be able to respond to your problem based on the information you provided when the call was logged, or they may need to contact you for further details.
5.   The Calidore support technician, may require access to your system to look at the query.  Click here to enable them to connect to your screen.
6.   While dealing with your call, the assigned member of support will contact you regularly, informing you of the progress. 
7.   When they have fixed your call, the support technician will inform you that the problem has been rectified, and in most cases will be able to provide a brief explanation of how the problem occurred and if applicable, steps you can take to prevent it occurring again.  We may contact you by phone or email. 

Your support contract terms are outlined here

Note: when reporting a problem, we discourage you from asking to speak to a specific member of support directly.  That person will almost certainly be working on another support call.  Please follow our company support procedure given above.