Screen Layout
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The main features of the Power-Gx screen are described below. 

The Toolbar
The Current Program Name
Line Number
Option Tabs

The Toolbar - Power-Gx has a toolbar along the top of the screen that contains the menu options along with icons for the options available on that screen.  Some of these menu items and icons are standard Windows options (e.g. File|Save, File|Close, Edit|Copy, Edit|Paste, the 'save' icon graphic, the 'print window' icon graphic etc).  Others are specific to Power-Gx (e.g. Gx CRM\Contact Details, Gx SOP\Print Invoices, the Prospect Details icon graphic, the Print Delivery Notes icon graphic etc). 


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The Current Program Name - the header below the toolbar displays the program open in that window.  The name will be displayed as Your Company Name\User Name\Menu Name\Program Name.  An example is given below: 


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Line Number - when you connect to Power-Gx you use a line.  Your line number is shown on the blue band across the very top of the screen.  You may be asked to provide your line number if you log a support call to help us deal with your problem.   


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Option Tabs - where a program has more content than can be displayed on screen, option tabs are used to store the additional content 'behind' the initial display.  Each tab will have a heading to index the content it holds.  Clicking a tab with the mouse will display its contents, bringing it to the forefront of the window.  Examples of contents tabs in Power-Gx programs are shown below:


In the first example the 'Orders' tab has been selected so it is at the forefront of the window.  In the bottom example the 'Undelivered Lines' tab is selected. The tab header is highlighted in purple to let you know which one is currently displayed.  Selecting one of the other tabs will bring its contents to the forefront. 

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