Nominal Journal Entry
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Journal postings allow you to enter transactions directly onto the Nominal Ledger and are used for items that do not need posted to a Sales or Purchase Ledger Account.  If the journal includes a VAT element, for example petty cash receipts, you must use the Cash Book Journals program instead to ensure that all nominal VAT transactions are included in your VAT Return. For nominal journals you post regularly, you can use the Recurring Journals program.   

1.      Select Gx Nominal in the toolbar.
2.      Hold the cursor over Journals on the menu.
3.      Choose Standard Journals from the second menu. 
4.      Select the Nominal Code from the drop-down menu. 
5.      Enter the posting Date.
6.      Enter a Comment describing this transaction.  This appears in the description column in transaction enquiries and makes it easier to identify what transactions relate to. 
7.      Select Credit or Debit from the drop-down menu in the Type column. Refer to  Debit or Credit Journal Entries? for guidance on whether you should enter debit (+ve) or credit (-ve).
8.      Enter the transaction Value.  You do not need to enter any + or - signs. 
9.      As outlined in the Nominal Ledger Explanation, Power-Gx operates double-entry booking keeping so each transaction must have a debit and credit posting.  Enter the second part of the dual posting. 
10.   Enter any other transactions as described above.  To delete any lines, click anywhere on the line and then click the Delete button. 
11.   When you have entered all the transactions, the journal total displayed on the bottom right of the screen must be zero.  I.e. the value of debits must equal the value of credits posted. 
12.   Click the Update Ledger button.  This posts the journal entries to the nominal ledger and the transactions can be viewed in Nominal Transaction Enquiry

Click here to view the Nominal Journal Posting screen.