Alias codes are used to link together different codes for the same product.
This avoids creating more than one product file for an item, which complicates
stock control. The 'base' code is usually your preferred supplier code with
other supplier, manufacturer and your own codes set as aliases of the base
code. This allows you to type in any of the codes and the system will revert to
your base code.
6. Catalogue - select the first catalogue that the product appears in from the
drop-down menu. "None" is also an option if this is a manufacturer or own
7. Alias Code - enter the code used for the product in that catalogue.
8. Description - enter the description for the product as it appears in that
9. Price - enter the selling price for the product in that catalogue.
10. Quantity - click the icon if selling quantity breaks apply to this
product, In the popup window enter the quantity required to be purchased
by the customer, and the price for buying that quantity. Enter each
quantity break, in ascending order, and the price for ordering this quantity. Save the quantity breaks window.
11. Nett? - tick the check-box if this is a nett price.
12. Page - enter the page number the product is on in this catalogue.
13. Item - enter the item number or letter for this item on that page.
14. R.R.P. - enter the recommended retail price for the item as shown in
this catalogue.